Andrew Lum

September 19, 1959 - January 25, 2025

Andrew Kwong Lum (September 19, 1959 – January 25, 2025)
After bravely battling health issues in recent years, Andrew passed away peacefully at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. He is survived by his father Hing (predeceased by mother Winnie), his sister Nancy (Stephen), and brothers Rocky and Peter. He also leaves behind his loving partner and fiancée Dee, who was his tower of strength and support for more than two decades, as well as her children Michael (Sara) and Erinn, and Erinn’s two wonderful kids Kingston and Whitney, on whom Andrew doted at every opportunity. He also held a special place in his heart for longtime friend Jessica Petman, who made him proud as he watched her grow from a precocious little girl to a fine young lady. As a high school student, Andrew worked summers at the uranium mine in his hometown of Bancroft, Ontario. He then attended McMaster University and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree. After graduating he became a teaching assistant in Bancroft before starting his lengthy career at the City of Hamilton Social Services. His compassionate nature and determination to help others in need made him an ideal fit as a social worker, and he had a meaningful impact on the lives of countless individuals and families for 35 years before retiring in 2021. On a personal level, it’s an understatement to say Andrew was passionate about sports. He was not only an elite athlete who worked out at the gym almost every day, but as a big fan he could also recount statistics, accomplishments and equipment choices for an endless number of players from a variety of sports. His encyclopedic knowledge allowed him to entertain family and friends with stories of athletes and teams that would make any sports historian proud. Andrew was especially fond of track & field, having been an excellent thrower (shot put, discus, hammer) in his day. He was even selected as a volunteer at both the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal and the 1978 Commonwealth Games in Edmonton. For all of his personal and professional achievements, Andrew will be best remembered for his unwavering character. His fierce loyalty and generous spirit were felt by all who knew him, plus he was a natural-born leader who would stop at nothing to protect his loved ones and anybody else who needed his help. His legacy shines through in all the people whose lives he touched and made infinitely better. Andrew will be greatly missed but never forgotten.
Book of Condolences
Jessica Claus

Posted on: February 15, 2025

My sincere condolences to Dee, her family and the Lum family. Andrew was a gentle giant - always helpful and good humored. I'll never forget the time he helped me out with a client's challenging behavior after hours. Forever grateful for that day and the experience of working with andrew for 11 years.
Love and light of the universe to all who miss this dear soul. ❤️ 💔
Randy Rigole

Posted on: February 12, 2025

My deepest condolences to Dee and Andrew's entire family & extended family. I am greatly saddened to hear of his passing and will have fond memories of Andrew. He was a dedicated and caring worker and person and it was my pleasure & honor to have known him. RIP Andrew.
Anna DiPrata

Posted on: February 6, 2025

My deepest condolences to Dee, the family and to the Lum family. He was a great colleague and friend. Spent many years working with him and his sense of humor was priceless. Very sad at his passing. RIP.
Ron Bhaduri

Posted on: February 3, 2025

Andrew was a friend and inspiration for many years, and where, else, but at the Mac gym, along with my comrades Bruce Weaver (who notified me of Andrew's passing), Paul "brudder" Markowski, and several others. Our Saturday mornings at the gym were enlivened by the clang of barbells roughly returned to their racks, by Andrew. We often went to lunch, East Side Marios at University plaza was a favourite, where mortified staff would watch Andrew, Bruce, Paul, and to a lesser extent me, heap our plates all-you-could eat salad, and bowls with soup. We generally had nicknames for each other which won't be repeated here as a reluctant nod to political correctness. Andrew loved driving his Nissan Maxima, and the trunk of his car was often occupied with pairs of new or almost new running shoes, which he was happy to sell at no profit to his friends. Though I saw Andrew less in recent years, we renewed our friendship once again , where else, but at another gym, Crunch, in west Hamilton. In the words of one of our friends at the gym "one more rep" , Andrew. Andrew did his last rep. Rest in Peace, my friend.
Gerry Boley

Posted on: February 2, 2025

My condolences to Andrew's family and Dee for their loss. I knew Andrew from my association with Dee's sister Rose. Andrew was a special guy: very caring, a humanitarian and exceptionally knowledgeable in sports - he should have been a statistician. He was very generous and gave me caps and hockey gloves from his collection of memorabilia. I echo many of the comments from his friends. I will miss my hockey conversations with this kind, knowledgeable gentleman. Gerry Boley
Ron Lewis

Posted on: February 1, 2025

My deepest sympathy great guy
Johane Adair

Posted on: January 31, 2025

My sincere condolences to Dee, her family as well as the Lum family.
I will always remember all the act of kindness I witnessed from Andrew.
He always went above and beyond to ascertain his clients had all the information and resources to help their situation.
Nothing ruffled him, he added calmess and humour to often difficult situation.
Rest in peace Andrew, you leave behind a legacy of love.
Ian Burrows

Posted on: January 31, 2025

It is very hard to add anything to what has been said about Andrew but I can echo some of the thoughts. Andrew's sense of humour and his sense of generosity were simply remarkable. Yes, his presence in the gym or anywhere else was impossible to miss and so too was the kndness and caring that always shone through. Every family member and friend that I know who met Andrew immediately valued the experience and valued him. Yes his smile and laughter were infectious. How he treated others was unsurpassed. I am grateful for the opportunity to have known him and to have called him a friend. He made the world a better place. My condolences to Dee and family and to Andrew's father, Nancy, Rocky and Peter.
Bruce Weaver

Posted on: January 31, 2025

It has been said that brevity is the soul of wit. If that is true, I fear this tribute to Andrew is not at all witty. My apologies for that.

I first met Andrew in 1989 when Michel Bédard and I started going to the McMaster University weight room. In those early days, Andrew referred to us as Ike & Mike. (I don't think we ever asked for clarification, but presumably, Michel was Mike and I was Ike.) Over time, we got to know several of the early morning regulars at the gym, some of whom have already posted their condolences. I remember that Andrew always liked to give the impression (to other guys, at least) that he was a bit of a tough guy, like John Wayne or Stone Cold Steve Austin. But it did not take long to work out that underneath that facade, he was a genuinely nice, tenderhearted guy. As just one example, when any of the gym regulars was moving house, Andrew would volunteer a bunch of us to help. I can't honestly say that he asked us in advance before volunteering us. But never mind. (By the way, Tony, let us apologize once again for scratching that dresser.)

As I write this, I am remembering another incident that spoke volumes about Andrew's character. Several years ago, our friend Paul competed in a powerlifting meet in London Ontario, and a few of us (Andrew, Ron, and I) went along to support him. At that time, my parents lived in Mitchell, which is north of London. So, we went to my parents' house for supper after the meet. I cannot find it right now, but somewhere in an old photo album, I have a snapshot of my mother at the kitchen sink washing dishes after supper. And you-know-who (yes, Andrew) was right beside her, drying the dishes. I wish I had an image file to upload, because that photo shows so clearly that despite the tough-guy persona he sometimes liked to project, Andrew was a genuinely nice guy. I believe it was Paul who once commented that Andrew was "well brought up". He was indeed: He was a credit to his parents.

And that is not the last time Andrew was good to my Mom. After my Dad had died (and I was living in Thunder Bay), Andrew sometimes drove over to Listowel to take her some flowers. The first time he did that, he was not sure which house it was, and one of Mom's neighbours directed him to it. That created a bit of a stir on the street, apparently. Some of Mom's curious neighbours later interrogated her, curious to know who that big strapping Chinese fellow was, and why he was bringing her flowers.

Apologies for jumping around a bit, but here is another memory that comes to me now. The obituary mentions that Andrew was a volunteer at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal and the 1978 Commonwealth Games in Edmonton. He once told me that he was the volunteer who retrieved Peter Farmer's errant hammer throw at the 1978 Commonwealth Games ( Therefore, he must have been in very close proximity to HRH Elizabeth II. I don't remember him telling me whether he bowed, curtsied, or did something else. Maybe someone else can provide that detail.

I could keep going. For example, I could tell you about the time Andrew, Paul and I were asked to leave the all-you-can eat Chinese buffet down the street from McMaster. (Apparently, it was not really all-you-can eat.) But I have already gone on too long. So instead, I'll end by thanking everyone who contributed to that beautifully written obituary. Thanks also to everyone who has posted such thoughtful comments and memories about Andrew. We used to tease him about being "the nice man from the gym". But he really was "the nice man from the gym", wasn't he. My sincere condolences to Dee and family, Mr. Lum and family, and to everyone else who is grieving this sad loss.

PS- Andrew was also a topnotch button-pusher! If you don't believe me, ask "Mrs. Bédard".
Brenda Fluit

Posted on: January 31, 2025

My sincere condolences to Dee, her family and the Lum family.
Andrew's kindness and compassion touched so many lives and will be fondly remembered by all who were fortunate enough to have spent any time with him. There are few people in this world who leave such a lasting impression on those they meet, but Andrew was certainly one of those.

Andrew was "that person" who was always interested in you and your family. He always had time to share a funny story, a memory or just check in on how things were going. He was the most empathetic and compassionate worker and his clients were truly blessed.

RIP Andrew ... you will be dearly missed.
Ted Kuproski

Posted on: January 31, 2025

My deepest condolences to Dee, the family and to the Lum family. He will be remembered as a gentleman, who was always willing to assist his clients and colleagues. Just a great guy. RIP.
Alfonso Bruno

Posted on: January 31, 2025

Andrew was a true gentleman and the kindest soul you can ever meet. Truly saddened by his passing. My heart and sincerest condolences go out to Dee, family, and friends.
Andrea Newstead

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Andrew was truly one of a kind - a very dear friend, beloved coworker and always a ray of sunshine to everyone around him. I had the pleasure of working with Andrew and his stories, support and sense of humour will be missed.

I always enjoyed my visits with Andrew after he retired, he never skipped a beat and was such a generous, funny and kind person. He often had a funny quip with a daily email or message to share a country song that he loved, YouTube video, recipe or story.

I loved hearing Andrew’s heart warming stories that he’d share about Dee and family. He would proudly tell stories and share pictures of Kingston and Whitney, who always made his day.

My deepest condolences to Dee and the Lum and Lynch families.

Andrew will be dearly missed, but never forgotten. 🤍

Rest in Peace, my friend.
Kim and Mike Ford

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Our sincere condolences Dee and family and friends
We had the pleasure of working with Andrew for many years
May he rest in peace
Fritzie A

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending hugs and prayers to give comfort to Andrew’s beloved family and friends.
He was the friendly person and one of my resource person when I started working at the unit, though in a different office location. He always had stories up on his sleeves. Your memories lives on and don’t worry I am passing to other staff the knowledge you have shared with me. Rest in peace.
Jacquie Pereira

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My deepest condolences to Dee, her family, the Lum family and Andrew's friends. Andrew was a special person. RIP my friend.
Katie Thompson

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Andrew was truly one of the good ones! He was always there to help had a smile on his face and a kind word. No matter if you hadn’t seen Andrew in days or months, he always greeted you with a worm smile and a warm hello. Andrew never spoke badly about anyone and was always there to help. My deepest condolences to Dee and her family and the Lum family.
Bonnie Elder

Posted on: January 30, 2025

As many have said, Andrew was truly kind and caring to everyone he came in contact with. Sending my deepest condolences to Dee and his family.
Irene Heffernan

Posted on: January 30, 2025

I had the pleasure of working with Andrew at the City of Hamilton and he was always a gentleman and a kind person. Sending condolences to Dee and the family.
Catherine Scriver-Walsh

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My heartfelt condolences go out to Andrew's life partner Dee, their girls & grandchildren. I know from experience that it takes more than blood and blood isn't always necessary to be family & I am sure Andrew felt the same). I also send my heartfelt condolences to Andrew's father, sister, brothers & their family as well, & all family or friends that were touched by Andrew's compassion during their life. Andrew was my co-worker for many years and always a friend, someone I could talk to and feel better even on the worst of days. He was a warm, sincere, wonderful caring person that I am glad to have known. I am fairly certain that Dee was my former co-worker as well & I can see you as a wonderful match for Andrew having many of the same characteristics in common. My thoughts & prayers are with you all at this time and I send hugs to all as well. Andrew may have passed on from this world but his memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew him and the many lives he touched throughout his life. RIP my friend. It is your turn to rest and let others take the reins.
Catherine Scriver-Walsh

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My heartfelt condolences go out to Andrew's life partner Dee, their girls & grandchildren. I know from experience that it takes more than blood and blood isn't always necessary to be family & I am sure Andrew felt the same). I also send my heartfelt condolences to Andrew's father, sister, brothers & their family as well, & all family or friends that were touched by Andrew's compassion during their life. Andrew was my co-worker for many years and always a friend, someone I could talk to and feel better even on the worst of days. He was a warm, sincere, wonderful caring person that I am glad to have known. I am fairly certain that Dee was my former co-worker as well & I can see you as a wonderful match for Andrew having many of the same characteristics in common. My thoughts & prayers are with you all at this time and I send hugs to all as well. Andrew may have passed on from this world but his memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew him and the many lives he touched throughout his life. RIP my friend. It is your turn to rest and let others take the reins.
Joanne Tarves

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My condolence to his family. He was such an amazing person. Ready to help a a moments notice.
Heather Todd

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending condolences to Dee and all who were Andrews loved ones .
Kerry Lubrick

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending my deepest condolences to Dee, her family and the Lum family. May Andrew rest in peace after the amazing legacy and work in his earthly life. Andrew was a true gentleman, thoughtful and caring. My last communication with him was a few weeks ago with him sharing memories of my deceased parents. Even though he was suffering he thought of others. I will miss you Andrew xx
Shelley Woods

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My sincerest condolences to Dee, and all of Andrew's friends and loved ones.
Kim Henderson

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending sincere condolences to Dee, her family and Andrew’s family at this very difficult time. Andrew was a such a kind, sincere person. Lucky to have worked with both him and Dee at The City of Hamilton. May he RIP♥️
Debbie Miotto

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My experience with Andrew was that he was just a down to earth, decent and helpful guy that you immediately liked. He was strong and very capable in his work but also very compassionate. He was a stand-up colleague that you could count on and he would always support you. He always made us laugh on the team and I fondly remember going for coffee with him often when we were at 31 King and he would talk about his work outs, sports and his collectibles . My sincerest sympathies go out to Dee , Andrew's family and Dee's family . It was a privilege to have known Andrew, he was a good man .
Vince and Gina Tarantino

Posted on: January 30, 2025

A great guy and a good friend, always willing to listen and to help. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Andrew was always a true gentleman and always so kind and caring with everyone. His laugh will also be missed, it was always followed by a smile and a twinkle in his eye.
Tanya Antolich

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Andrew was always the "BIG BROTHER" at the office. My fondest memory of him was when I first started at OW and a client began to yell and scream at me. Andrew came over and said to the client "Don't you dare yell at one of my girls". He was such an incredible human being. His presence will be dearly missed. My condolences to his family and friends.
Amanda Warren-Ritchie

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs. I am so sorry for your loss.
Elizabeth Gallant

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My deepest condolences to Dee and Andrew’s family. I will hold him in my memory as a very kind and gentle soul who will be deeply missed. Peace to his soul.
Jane Fowler

Posted on: January 30, 2025

Sending my condolences to Dee and Andrew’s loved ones. Andrew was genuinely one of the kindest people I have ever met. May his bright light continue to shine. He was one of the good ones.
Shari Persi

Posted on: January 30, 2025

My heartfelt condolences to Dee and Andrew's family. I had the great pleasure of working with Andrew on three different teams throughout his career. Always so kind, thoughtful and willing to help out. God Bless you Andrew.
Paul and Mythili Markowski

Posted on: January 29, 2025

Andrew was a larger than life character. His fun-loving attitude was only matched by his sincere caring and support for anyone he knew. He will be deeply missed.
Patricia Jackman

Posted on: January 29, 2025

Andrew was one of the sweetest. He always made sure to stop and say hello and was kind to everyone. My deepest condolences to Andrew’s family, Dee and Dee’s family. He will be missed by all.
Linda Follows

Posted on: January 29, 2025

My deepest condolences. I enjoyed working with Andrew and will cherish those memories.
Jack Brown

Posted on: January 29, 2025

Since condolences to Dee and the family on the recent loss of a former colleague, Andrew. May his memory forever be a blessing...
Mary Kelly

Posted on: January 29, 2025

A true gentleman and wonderful person. Andrew was already there for you and had a smile on his face. May Andrew RIP and all his beautiful memories bring smiles to all that knew him♥️
Sarah Newbery and Eli Orrantia

Posted on: January 29, 2025

We are sending heartfelt condolences to all who loved Andrew. We knew him at the Mac gym in the early 90's when we were there as medical students, and are grateful to Bruce Weaver for being the thread of connection who has ensured that we were aware of Andrew's challenging health issues over the past few years. We hold his memory in our hearts and we hold hope and courage for all those whose lives move forward without his physical presence in the world.
Erika Caspersen

Posted on: January 29, 2025

I am deeply saddened to hear about Andrew's untimely passing and want to extend my heartfelt condolences. I fondly remember Andrew as part of our group of friends who worked out regularly at the McMaster gym decades ago. He had a warm and generous spirit and constantly challenged us to be our best. Andrew possessed a wealth of knowledge about life and fitness, and his sense of humour made our early morning workouts enjoyable. He will undoubtedly be greatly missed by all who loved him. Keep training, old friend!
Michel Bédard and Lori Chambers

Posted on: January 29, 2025

Our most sincere condolences. We have known Andrew since the late 1980s, meeting for the first time at the McMaster University gym, of course! While we have not been in touch directly with Andrew since we moved to Thunder Bay in 1999, we have been kept informed about him through our mutual friend, Bruce Weaver. We remember Andrew fondly as a kind, generous, and smart human being with a fantastic sense of humour. He has left us much too early, but we know that he had a profound and positive impact on the many people he interacted with.